Luna Engine Dev Log 2 - The 0.0.3 Update

It might seem a small jump from where I was from almost a month ago, but personally, I feel like I really hit the right amount of updates during this development so far. I was planning on a different development log for the second one, but I didn’t get around to finishing it due to particular circumstances.

The Luna Engine 0.0.3 consists of a stable 3D Rendering API:

Luna Engine Dev Log 1

It has been more than two weeks since I started this project. I was aiming to write a blog on how I deal things in some sort of a “major” way. Bringing big updates each time I write an entry.

However, I encounter exciting challenges along the way while slowly building the project from the ground up. Hence this dev logs things. I hate dev logs as I didn’t want to talk about some minor details that I have encountered. Upon doing the project, I found out that there are actually learnings in between significant developments.

A Long Term Personal Project Part 2

It has been years since I have started my personal projects once again. I have been busy working on my master’s degree in computer science, which I have completed last March 2021, and settling in on my job (Just had one last October 2019 after months of looking). I guess this is pretty much the time to work on something that I could improve on.

The key to any software development is planning and design. I tend to follow that structure to best tackle this project that I have. As I mentioned in the first part of this blog, I plan to do these things:

A Long Term Personal Project Part 1

It has been years since I have started my personal projects once again. I have been busy working on my master’s degree in computer science, which I have completed last March 2021, and settling in on my job (Just had one last October 2019 after months of looking). I guess this is pretty much the time to work on something that I could improve on.

I recently had the decision to sell my personal laptop in exchange for a Samsung S7 Tablet for stupid reasons:
